A Bullet Journal is essentially a journal where you can hand write your do lists, notes, habit trackers, lists, ideas, dreams and aspirations. Many people use journaling as a practical and creative way to keep organised whilst others journal as a way to relax and practice mindfulness. Many members of the Tombow community are seasoned journallers and regularly share their amazing spread ideas which often incorporate the use of our products. Here we have rounded up some unique Bujo layout ideas that will soothe your mind and keep your plans in check.
Good habits are worth being fanatical about...
A weekly spread that will brighten up even the most stressful of weeks!
Being able to travel feels like a distant memory but we can still dream...
The dreamiest of spreads for all the bookworms out there! @doodlelou.co
It's all about the little things that make us happy each day! @b.bulletjournal
We are big fans of this spread of succulents by @bonjourbunnybullets
Because everyone needs a page in their bujo dedicated to Tombow ABT Dual Brush Pen Swatches! @p.anna.art